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“Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts; it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.”
Anthony Bourdain
“Player number 7 is down”, shouts the broadcaster, their voice layered with concern. “Folks, we just witnessed an unbelievable play! With four hands perfectly hovering over the net to block the attack, yet the ball ricochets in a zigzag pattern and knocked player number 7 swiftly in the head. That’s got to hurt.” And it did. Player number 7 was me. Right away, my collegiate volleyball career and hopes to play professionally overseas were shattered. It was a transformational energy experience I wasn’t prepared for.
Everything instantly flipped upside down when the ball smacked the right side of my temporal lobe. Later that week, it was confirmed by the neurologist that the head smack left behind a concussion. Months passed, and the symptoms from the concussion never ceased. I had a traumatic brain injury (TBI), and my brain slowly converted into a place of pain.
Once again, I visited the neurologist, the harbinger of wellness news, and they diagnosed me further with post-concussion syndrome. This is defined as having lingering concussion affects that last weeks, months, or possibly longer. That fateful volleyball game changed the course of my life’s energy.
The aftermath
While I loved playing volleyball, it was also a beautiful vehicle to be able to travel the world. After the incident, I wasn’t sure how I’d be able to live a travel lifestyle. Traveling with disability, especially a non-visible disability, this TBI, seemed unrealistic and impossible. It was a dream I’d always visualized but the traumatic brain injury symptoms brought headaches, migraines, dizziness, difficulty thinking, brain fog and more.
“Player number 7 is down”, echoes those haunting words from the broadcaster.
For almost a year, I heard those repeated words in my mind on loop from the broadcaster. Then one day, I met a friend who introduced me to the idea of teaching English abroad in Spain. I was furthered inspired by other travelers like wheelchair travels, post-college travels and vegan travels.
“We must overcome social and self-oppression if we are ever to join the ranks of the free souls who love their lives and lead their people.”
Brendon Burchard, excerpt from The Motivation Manifesto
The idea enlivened my well-being and the story I heard in the quiet space of my head quickly shifted to “Player number 7 is down, but she got right back up, traveling the world undeterred by her injury”. This transformational energy gave me the courage to dream and to pursue my obsession of traveling the world. Without a second thought, I applied to the teaching abroad program, and then hastily shut my computer, nervous and excited about what I had just done.

The transformational energy of Spain:
A year after the incident and four months after I applied, an email from the Spanish government popped up. I was accepted into the program! That summer I stocked up on the best essential oils (e.g peppermint, Immune Strength Essential Oil Blend” target=”_blank” aria-label=”undefined (opens in a new tab)” rel=”noreferrer noopener sponsored nofollow”>immune support blend, calming blend), health supplements for wellness living and brain health, then moved alone to Spain.
Cultural immersion
Immediately I fell in love with the effervescent culture of Spain. From visiting Santiago de Compostela, dining my way through endless tapas at restaurants in Barcelona, and exploring the island of Ibiza, Spain, immersing in Spain started to transform my energy. Before the trip, I was unsure of what to expect traveling with a hidden disability. However, as the days passed abroad, this unsure energy slowly dissipated.
I became deeply involved in the Spanish culture and community, through teaching English at a small elementary school in Melide, private tutoring, and making new Spanish and expat friends.
Moreover, trying new enticing dishes like warm croquettes or creamy chocolate con churros to slow traveling alone in Spain and throughout Europe were all new boundaries I pushed myself to explore. Unknowingly my confidence skyrocketed. This transformational energy from traveling and living abroad broadened my perspective.
“Player number 7 got up”, continued the broadcaster.
The energy of writing

Before traveling to Spain, I had a deep desire to document my experience. Writing had always been a big part of my life, and travel blogging seemed like the “perfect idea”. It would keep my family in the loop about past trips and experience, plus I get to write (which btw I love!).
Prior to teaching English abroad in Spain, the idea of starting a travel blog was too far outside my comfort zone. Sharing my various thoughts and sharing personal transformational travel journeys appeared scary.
However, the passion for writing was far greater than the fear. Likewise, this transformational energy, derived from the newfound confidence gained from living in Spain, encouraged me to chase this fear and write. With my brain health improving on this wellness journey, and forging a new community, I went for it! I started my first travel blog and loved it so much I started a new travel blog, Wellness Travel Diaries.
Learning a new language

While pursuing writing was a major accomplishment, another obstacle I faced with a TBI was overcoming the challenge of learning. After the injury, making too many daily decisions led to mental fatigue and headaches. It almost felt as if I had a broken brain. The desire to learn was there, but the question “how to learn with a broken brain” swirled around my mind.
“Player number 7 subbed out”, the broadcaster pronounced with a candid tone.
Before Spain, I committed to the idea that I would learn Spanish. I took intensive Spanish lessons over the summer and endlessly stared at countless movies in Spanish; hoping osmosis of the Spanish language would sink into my brain.
A few months later I arrived in Spain, in a small town called Melide, situated outside of the famous city of Santiago de Compostela. Melide is a lovely green town surrounded by tall trees, and is located on the pilgrimage route of the Camino de Santiago.
Many pilgrims trek through the green terrain of the Galicia region and through this exact city to experience wellness within, a wellness connection, a spiritual journey, personal development and transformations, or for various other reasons. While the pilgrims come from diverse ethnic backgrounds, many people in the town don’t speak English.
I prayed the Spanish osmosis worked, as I fumbled through speaking Spanish in Melide. The longer I lived in Spain, the more that transformational energy shifted the way I viewed my brain. Then one day out of the blue a server gently mentioned, “Hablas muy bien”. This comment utterly surprised me, and then it instantly clicked. My brain wasn’t broken!
The overall transformational energy from moving
Living in Spain transformed my well-being. My confidence boosted from speaking Spanish and cultural immersion. I had fewer headaches from this new routine, transformation quotes for a health and wellness boost.
Although there was more I did, these were baby steps on the path to recovery from a TBI. This transformational energy was inspiration to keep healing and aspiration to keep on this wellness way. It was the first time in over a year that my headaches and migraine weren’t a 10 out 10.
Ultimately, traveling in Spain felt like a brand new superpower. It was a beautiful transitional journey that encouraged me to keep growing and learning. The transformation energy I felt traveling was enlightening, boosting my wellness and health.
While transformations can be challenging at times, these life changing events can also be extremely fun. Transformations are vital in helping us grow into better versions of ourselves. This transformative travel experience continuously reminds me that anyone can travel and travel well. Brain health is vitally important, and when you give it a little TLC it can surprise you with all its capable of.
You helped provide me a new lens to view travel and provided a new term in my vocabulary! Also love meeting new Black female travelers!
What a wonderful inspirational story you got my friend. You made your destiny, you brain is definitely not broken my friend, is better than EVER! What a great post, thank you so much for sharing your beautiful experience, and I truly love the way you told you story, the way you write.
Travel can definitely transform someone, and cure so much.
I can totally relate to your reaction about the application for teaching, I did the same when I apply to be an Au pair haha. All the feelings that you feel and the thoughts that goes through your mind… crazy.
I hope someday our paths cross and I have the pleasure of meeting you 🙂
Take care
Ps: I can’t wait to be able to see Santiago de Compostella, one of my dream destinations.
What a beautiful story and how amazing that an experience that could have been traumatic pushed you to move to Spain and allowed you to come as far as you have. I’ve always dreamed of moving to Spain and submerging myself into the culture and learning the language through osmosis haha.
I love this! Thanks for sharing this inspirational story! It’s so nice to read uplifting and positive messages!
Wow! This is an amazing story. Thank you for sharing and providing such a positive message, especially now!